What if I really listened to people? I mean really listened. What if I focused the conversation on them and not what I am dying to say? How would this impact my relationships with others? This has been on my mind very much recently. It's so neat to see what God reveals to me as I walk through different experiences in life. He has brought me a long way, and I still have a long way to go!
Back to answering my question.
I think the result would be deeper friendships, and, in the future, stronger marital intimacy and respect. Why? EVERYONE wants to be heard and understood. No one will believe that you truly hear them unless you set yourself aside, close your mouth for just a moment, open your heart and hear. I find myself, so many times, wanting to give advice to friends and family members before I have even heard them out. The truth is, one must earn their right to be heard. You can earn that right through listening.
Proverbs 18:13 says: "If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame."
I'm asking the Lord to work with me on being a better listener. This post is just a reminder for me to come back and remember what He has done for me thus far, as well as what he will continue to do. This listening challenge definitely applies to my walk with God. It is good to be silent. It is good to ask Him to answer and to trust that He will. I definitely don't want to interrupt God when He's trying to show me something!
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