Tuesday, August 13, 2013

An Update Long Overdue...

I'm not sure if anyone reads these posts, but it doesn't matter.  This is here for me to share my thoughts and reflections, to see God moving in my life. Oh boy, has He moved! I was just reading over my old blog post called "All ears." It is amazing that, no less than a month later, the Lord would answer that prayer. I HAVE become a better listener. My relationships have changed for the better, and I have grown deeper in my relationship with Jesus. My God is so faithful and I know that I can hold to the truth that He knows what He's doing in my life; His plans are far greater than anything I could ever even imagine. What I asked of Him was in accordance with His will, and He was faithful to deliver. Why do I doubt so often? My flesh is so weak. I am so prone to worry. I am so prone to try to handle everything. I CANNOT DO IT. I CANNOT DO IT. I CANNOT DO IT. GOD IS IN CONTROL.

Silly, silly me. The Creator of the universe holds me in His hand. Nothing takes Him by surprise. He is my Heavenly Father and only wants the best for me, His daughter. This truth is something I must cling to. So I am asking the Lord to help me trust Him more. I know that He will.